Project for a more inclusive Basin

Project for a more inclusive Basin

Within the framework of the World Day of Disability that was celebrated at the 3 in December, the University of Azuay and the Mayor's Office of Cuenca presented the project "For an Inclusive Basin" in the City Museum, former Central School.

The project seeks to promote the inclusion of people with disabilities in our community, through the different actions carried out by the Municipality of Cuenca in its various units: Communication, Public Transport, Urban Planning and Customer Service.

This project will be developed through a process that includes the following stages:

The reflection of the personnel that works in the Municipality, which seeks to generate openings towards disability.

The diagnosis of the processes carried out by each of the municipal agencies in order to identify the strengths and weaknesses in relation to accessibility and inclusion.

The generation of strategic plans for the establishment of an accessible and inclusive municipal culture.

To this end, a team of researchers from the University of Azuay, together with employees of the Municipality, is working on this proposal.