Professor of the UDA makes a presentation on prenatal stimulation in Mexico

Professor of the UDA makes a presentation on prenatal stimulation in Mexico

Ximena Vélez, professor at the Faculty of Philosophy of the UDA, presented the November 9 a paper at the V International Congress of Stimulation and Early Intervention, presented by the IMETYD, which takes place in Mexico City.

In her presentation - "Prenatal stimulation, a good start to life" - the teacher stated that she will present the most recent findings regarding prenatal stimulation and present techniques and recommendations for those who are training in these processes.

"This congress brings together the main researchers and professionals in the area of ​​prenatal and early stimulation in Latin America and other invited countries. In my case, I am the only representative of Ecuador, "said Vélez, adding:

"The main objective of my participation is to share my experience in prenatal stimulation as well as ideas and suggestions to improve the performance of stimulators during the process of prenatal stimulation."

The V International Congress of Stimulation and Early Intervention is developed with the endorsement of the Autonomous University of Mexico.