Graiman and the UDA dictate workshop of corporate social responsibility

Graiman and the UDA dictate workshop of corporate social responsibility

The October 25 was held at the University of Azuay the inauguration of the "Workshop for the implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility policy" with the Graiman Industrial Group.

The general objective of this project is to promote the process of collaborative implementation of management systems for the creation of shared value policy.

The workshop, which will run until the 14 in December, will have 60 hours of which 50 will be face-to-face and ten of autonomous work and will involve designated staff of the UDA and staff of the Graiman Group.

Leading this initiative are three women: Marcia Sigüenza Crespo, adviser in CSR of the Graiman Industrial Group; Carla Pérez, technical manager of CSR of the same group, and Miriam Briones, Director of the Department of Continuing Education of the University of Azuay.

The talks will be dictated by directors, advisors and professionals of the Graiman company and will be endorsed by the UDA through a certificate issued by the Department of Continuing Education.

Also, it will be supported by the Ecuadorian Corporation of Social Responsibility of Ecuador.