The UDA reaches the global challenge IEEEXtreme

The UDA reaches the global challenge IEEEXtreme

Students from the Electronic Engineering and Systems Engineering Schools of the Universidad del Azuay participated in the IEEEXtreme competition that took place between the 13 and the 14 in October.

"This is a global challenge in which teams of three IEEE student members compete in a span of 24 hours between them to solve a set of programming problems," explained Daniel Iturralde, Coordinador de Ingeniería Electrónica.

The event has been held for more than a decade and has an average of approximately 3.000 teams worldwide each year.

In this version, the eleventh, the UDA presented seven teams and obtained several achievements: the eleventh place at the national level in the individual category, a fourth place at the level of Ecuadorian universities and be within the top 100 of teams at the level of the 9 region , which includes countries in Latin America and the Caribbean.

"As a personal opinion I think the achievements of this first experience with the boys were quite satisfactory and make us think that next year we will be fighting for sure the first place at the national level and improving in terms of global and regional rankings", concluded Iturralde .