An agreement was signed between Universidad del Azuay and Pro Ecuador

An agreement was signed between Universidad del Azuay and Pro Ecuador

On October 13, a specific inter-institutional cooperation agreement was signed between the University of Azuay and the Institute for the Promotion of Exports and Foreign Investments Pro Ecuador.

The event was inaugurated by the Rector of the UDA, Francisco Salgado, whose words were followed by the speech of Roberto Itriaga, Executive Director of Pro Ecuador.

Itriaga described the micro-small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) as fundamental pieces in the national productive contribution.

The agreement signed with the Universidad del Azuay will favor 23 Pymes carefully selected from among several applicants; This selection was made by the Commercial Intelligence Department of Pro Ecuador under the criterion that these companies -in their products- have export characteristics.

The agreed agreement seeks to promote different activities of an academic, scientific and technological nature aimed at assisting micro-small and medium-sized companies, such as facilitating spaces for carrying out academic work and projects by the students of the degree. of Graphic Design.

They will be able to generate visual academic projects for 23 SMEs selected by Pro Ecuador and create spaces for mutual collaboration between institutions and students.

The UDA will contribute with 46 students and six professors who will supervise the process

"It is part of the students' training to create empathy with real companies and be able to direct the viability of their products with ideas of innovation," said Diego Larriva, Coordinator of the School of Graphic Design.