Fourth edition of "Friday of knowledge and culture" of Science and Technology

Fourth edition of "Friday of knowledge and culture" of Science and Technology

The 7 of July in the auditorium of the Faculty of Science and Technology took place the fourth edition of the cycle "Friday of knowledge and culture", with talks and exhibitions for the students of the Schools that make up the Faculty.

Iván Coronel, Coordinator of the School of Production and Operations Engineering, welcomed the exhibitors and all the students present and detailed the schedule of the event, which began at 9 in the morning with a talk by Pedro Crespo Flandoli entitled “ Association, collaborative systems and coworking ”.

Afterwards the members of the Holcim company spoke, who called their talk "Types of concrete and special concretes".

As was the case with the previous exhibition, the students were able to converse and participate by bringing their questions to the speakers.

The teachers were also part of the event, answering questions and contributing knowledge associated with the topics covered in the talks.

At the end of the exhibitions, Iván Coronel gave the invited experts a certificate for their participation in the academic day and invited the students to future editions to be held in the next cycles.