First Inter-institutional Seminar on bacteria, "our misunderstood friends"

First Inter-institutional Seminar on bacteria, "our misunderstood friends"

The 28 of April in the Auditorium of the University of Azuay developed the first Inter-institutional Seminar on "The Human Microbiome, Bacteria: Our Misunderstood Friends" addressed to medical students of the University of Azuay and the Catholic University of Cuenca.

The Rector of the UDA, Francisco Salgado, participated in the event; the Vice Chancellor of the Catholic University, Ana Lucía Guijarro; the Director of the Seminar, Johann Radax and the Coordinator of React Latin America, Arturo Quizhpe.

The university authorities welcomed the students and invited them to become more involved in the problem of bacteria and the moderate use of antibiotics.

The morning was composed of ten lectures given by different teachers and guest doctors, who dealt with issues about the microbiome and its different branches, bacteria and how to understand them and the awareness of the use of antibiotics in each branch of specialization.

Johann Radax said that the objective of the seminar is to raise awareness and provide better knowledge to students and health workers on these issues, so that in the future they can better relate to the diseases they have to treat.

"The idea of ​​this seminar is that in the future it will become a tradition in both universities and as the years go by the students will take the information to the population," said Dr. Radax.

At the end of the program, the students were also able to enjoy a festival of games related to the topics covered in the talks, in charge of the students of the Catholic University.