The UDA signs a framework agreement for institutional cooperation with the GAD of San Felipe de Oña

The UDA signs a framework agreement for institutional cooperation with the GAD of San Felipe de Oña

The 4 of February the University of Azuay, through its Direction of Linkage, signed a socioeconomic framework agreement with the Autonomous Decentralized Government (GAD) of San Felipe de Oña canton, located in the province of Azuay.

The objective of the agreement is to promote agricultural production in the lands of the Oña county, to give new opportunities to the inhabitants and the economy of the place.

“The most important thing is to work for the benefit of the human being, we can build the best infrastructure but people will not feed on it, they need to produce, carry out sustainable development. If the population of the Oña canton has a job and therefore income, there will be stability, migration will be avoided and the economy will emerge,” commented Germania Ullauri Vallejo, mayor of San Felipe de Oña.

The canton Oña has the advantage of being in different climatic zones. It starts at 2160 meters at sea level and ends in an area of ​​páramo in the 3560 meters, which means that a great variety of agricultural production can be obtained.

The project will start with the Faculty of Science and Technology in the area of ​​Food, it is estimated that the School of Communication and Tourism, will be part of this project for the development of the town of Oña.

Francisco Salgado, rector of the University, said that "the best connection for us is with society and the University. It is an achievement to be part of the sustainable development of Oña and its communities. "

"We are the bridge between the university community, together with the Institute of Studies of Sectional System of Ecuador (IERSE), and the Azuaya community, the UDA has to put its maximum physical and personal contingent to improve the quality of life of the people in different ways ", concluded Narcisa Ullauri, General Director of Bonding.

It is expected that in one year the project is bearing its first fruits, it is necessary to create awareness and interest in the residents of Oña, because it will improve family income and there will be jobs.

"We have confidence and security in the UDA, and I am grateful for supporting us to promote this initiative for our people. I am convinced that we are going to achieve good results, working in this area in order to improve a standard of living motivates me to make this agreement that is feasible for everyone. " With these words the mayoress of San Felipe de Oña was fired.