Training of Paraecologists for the rights of nature

Training of Paraecologists for the rights of nature

Within the framework of the Interinstitutional Cooperation Agreement between ECOFORENSIC and the University of Azuay, its Continuing Education department and the IERSE, they have offered the course “Training of Paraecologists for the rights of nature” taught by Professor Mika Peck, founder of ECOFORENSIC and Edwin Zárate, professor of our university community. 

It is an introduction to the world of research focused on ecological monitoring to evaluate the state of health of an ecosystem with the aim of generating scientific bases for the defense of the rights of nature. 

The course will be taught to people belonging to communities affected by intensive extractivism processes, in order to train them as “paraecologists” and who are part of the national network promoted by ECOFORENSIC; His study focuses on a Shuar community in the south of the country, who after completing the theoretical section at our university will continue with their practices in the Amazon.