Signing of Agreement between the University of Azuay and the Municipality of Oña

Signing of Agreement between the University of Azuay and the Municipality of Oña

On April 17, the Specific Interinstitutional Cooperation Agreement was signed between the Municipal Decentralized Autonomous Government of Oña and the University of Azuay. 

The event was attended by authorities, teachers and administrative staff from our university community, authorities and workers from the Municipal GAD of Oña. 

Its objective is to promote third-level training in Food Engineering and Higher Technology in Dairy Processing careers to the inhabitants belonging to the Oña Canton through the granting of scholarships.

The welcoming words were given by our rector, Francisco Salgado, who pointed out that both the university and the municipality are committed to working together so that young people can obtain a university degree and look to the future with hope. 

In turn, he addressed the public expressing his gratitude to the University of Azuay for opening its doors for future generations of young people who seek to expand their knowledge and fulfill their dreams, reaffirming that the academy is the best tool to achieve their goals.